New Life Church has a new website! It integrates a blog into the whole website. And, actually, it looks quite nice. So our blog has moved and we are going to begin to use it differently.
This one, frankly, has fallen into disuse and for that I apologize. But, we won't need the new blog for news and announcements and can use it more for a blog. It will feature resources, lessons learned, a normal blog.
I hope you have fun with it. Good bye, Blogger!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Our Blog Has Moved!
Posted by
1:54 PM
Friday, August 30, 2013
New Life Church Baptism
Last Sunday we moved our annual river baptism inside the church building at New Life Church Riverfalls. Nine individuals expressed their faith in Christ publicly by being baptized. It was a great afternoon!
Travis Anderson, Hope Gilbert, Crystal Ward, Terri Scott, Nicole Madgewick, Emily Foullon, Layne Reavely, Chelsea Zook, Jack Fraley all gave their testimony Jesus changing their lives and their following Him.
Posted by
3:10 PM
Labels: Baptism
Monday, August 26, 2013
New Life Church helps clean up West Linn High School
The annual cleanup day for West Linn High School was scheduled for Sunday afternoon, August 25. We already had a baptism scheduled then. Bridges to Change had their annual picnic slotted for the same time.
Posted by
3:28 PM
Labels: Life Group Ministry, Local Outreach, Youth Ministry
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Today's River Baptism has moved
On account of the rain we are moving the baptism to New Life Church Riverfalls. It will still be at 4:00. It will include awesome testimonies. It will still even have a cookout at the end. You won't, however, need your lawn chairs! Hope to see you there.
Posted by
2:41 PM
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Sign Up for 3D Leadership
This Sunday New Life Church will have ten, count 'em, ten messages during our morning services!
3D Leadership
You may apply with this application form.
Posted by
11:08 AM
Labels: Announcement, Equipping, Men's Ministry
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Czech Republic Team Update #2
Update from Justin Schroeder for the Czech Team:
Pension pod Vlekem, our amazing camp location! Pray for the owner, Ivo. He's been so awesome to us, and has even been listening in on the talks at night |
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Craft time! |
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Tea time... |
Posted by
Nathan Pylate
8:05 AM
Labels: Global Outreach, Missions, prayer, Young Adults
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Prayer for "Gospel Night" and Czech Mission Team
I plan to send a nice big update tomorrow, full of adventures and stories and general camp greatness, but due to time zones and schedules and who knows what else, I wanted to ask you all to start praying for tomorrow. I know you're all only digesting lunch, but at this very moment most groups are still in discussion, and then we're off to bed.

Posted by
Nathan Pylate
12:27 PM
Labels: Global Outreach, Missions, prayer
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Czech Mission Team Update #1
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Getting over jet lag together... |
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We stayed in the castle on the far left! |
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Preparing for camp with Czech leaders |
We are pumped!
Justin for the Team
Posted by
Nathan Pylate
8:40 AM
Labels: Global Outreach, Missions
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Sovenia- English Camp Day 2
Below is a note from Stephanie Rogers about the English Camp in Slovenia where Cris Austen and Shelley Rogers are serving this week:
Posted by
Nathan Pylate
11:07 AM
Friday, June 21, 2013
Travis AFB Mission Team Update #2

Posted by
Nathan Pylate
2:10 PM
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Slovenia Mission Trip Day 1
Posted by
Nathan Pylate
3:03 PM
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Travis Air Force Base Mission Team Update

Posted by
Nathan Pylate
2:49 PM
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Wilsonville Swap & Play To Close
As New Life Church looked to start a campus in Wilsonville, the first desire was not to start a worship service, but to be a group of people who are a blessing to the city. As we looked around Wilsonville, we observed a high population of young families, particularly those living in apartments near the church. In January 2011, Wilsonville Swap & Play was started as a way for New Life Church to serve the needs of these families. It has provided a safe environment for mothers to take small children to play, meet other families, and share resources. Wilsonville Swap & Play operated for a year before New Life Wilsonville opened and has been a resource to many families over the last two years. They have offered classes for preschool children such as art, cooking, music, dance, soccer, and gardening. They have connected with moms groups and participated in city events. Above all, they have provided a place for moms to develop friendships with other moms.
Recently, due to space constraints, the leadership has felt that Wilsonville Swap & Play is no longer able to provide the exceptional experience they want for their members and the community. Though New Life Church is still committed to find ways to bless the families of Wilsonville, the Swap & Play will be closing at the end of the month. Please pray for the leadership as they seek new ways to invest their time and talents in the lives of the people of Wilsonville.
Posted by
2:33 PM
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Church Library Books
New to the Library
Children’s Library
The Prayer That Makes GOD Smile by Stormie Omartian
The Stable That Bob Built by Cindy Kenney
A Reason to Live (For Teens and Their Friends) by Donalyn Powell
Freedom in Christ 4 Teens: ULTIMATE LOVE (The Real Thing) by Neil T. Anderson
From BLAH to AWE by Jena Lucado Bishop
GOD Loves UGLY by Christa Black
Light for My Path for TEENS (Illuminating Selections from the Bible)
Little Pilgrim’s Progress (from John Bunyan’s Classic) by Helen L. Taylor
You are NOT Your Own (Living LOUD for God) by Jason Perry
Joshua by Joseph F. Girzone
The Heavenly Man (Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun) by Paul Hattaway
All the WOMEN of the BIBLE by M.L. del Mastro
Praying the 23rd Psalm by Elmer L. Towns
The Book of PSALMS
The New Oxford Annotated Bible
The Old Testament (Text and Context) by Victor H. Matthews and James C. Moyer
Non Fiction
A Life of Balance by K.P. Yohannan
A Woman JESUS Can Teach by Alice Mathews
Blended Worship (Achieving Substance and Relevance in Worship) by Robert E. Webber
Building a Church of Small Groups by Bill Donahue
Center Church by Timothy Keller
Choosing My Religion by R.C. Sproul
Firestorm (Preventing and Overcoming Church Conflicts) by Ron Susek
God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life (The Myth of the Modern Message) by Ray Comfort
God's Will God's Best for your Life by Josh McDowell and Kevin Johnson
How We Love (Discover Your Love Style, Enhance Your Marriage) by Milan and Kay Yerkovich
Hurt People Hurt People (Hope and Healing for Yourself and Your Relationships) by Sandra D. Wilson, Ph. D.
Kids in CRISIS (A Workable Plan for Successful Parenting) by Ross Wright
Marriage and the Public Good: Ten Principles
Moments Together for Couples (Devotions for Drawing Near to God and One Another) by Dennis and Barbara Rainey
Passion and Purity (Learning to Bring Your Love Life Under Christ's Control) by Elisabeth Elliott
Reading and Hearing the Word (From Text to Sermon) by Essays in Honor of John H. Stek
Seeing What is SACRED (Becoming More Spiritually Sensitive to the Everyday Moments of Life) by Ken Gire
The Battle for the Beginning (Creation, Evolution and the Bible) by John MacArthur
The G-I-F-T for all People (Thoughts on God's Great Grace) by Max Lucado
The Hunger for Significance by R.C. Sproul
The Peacemaker (A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict) by Ken Sande
The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian
Ultimate Issues by R.C. Sproul
What is GOD Really Like? By Graig Groeschel
Why Jesus Matters by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz
Posted by
Kim Brandstetter
3:54 PM
Monday, April 29, 2013
Give Us Each Day Our Daily Bread
Father, hallowed by your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread…The third petition of the Lord's Prayer is about our daily needs. God loves you and cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). He wants to be asked for daily help for your daily needs.
Whether you feel the need of daily bread or not, consider praying in this way:
- God, thank you for my refrigerator, for my grocery store, for my cookbooks and for my microwave.
- I trust you, not my job, for my provision and security.
- Don’t ever let me think I have no needs!
- Keep me content with what I have and with what I don’t have (Phil. 4:11-12)!
- Guard my heart from loving money or a savings account or anything else that would keep me from trusting You.
- Give me what I need, not more or less (Prov. 30:8-9).
- More important to me than food is the success of your kingdom (Luke 12:31).
Posted by
4:23 PM
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Your Kingdom Come
Father, hallowed by your name, your kingdom come…
Maybe add these “kingdom” prayers to your list:
- God, reign in the hearts and lives of me, my family and my church.
- Show us our need of repentance because of the nearness of the king.
- Spread your rule to those who reject it now.
- Bless your church, your kingdom embassy.
- Increase both the depth and the extent of your rule in and around us.
- Let the institutions of this world reflect the rule of King Jesus.
- Expose the evil of the ruler of this present world so he might be rejected.
- Prepare me to enjoy your reign in heaven by my joyful submission today.
- Come, Lord Jesus!
Posted by
10:00 AM
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Father, Hallowed Be Your Name
How might you build the Lord's Prayer into your prayer life?
Here are two questions to ask yourself as you pray:
1. How does what I’m praying about reflect my privileged relationship to God?
2. How does what I’m praying about connect to God’s primary concern?
Use simple petitions like these to begin to implement the Lord’s Prayer as a template for your prayers.
- Never let me forget what it cost you to make me your child!
- Remind me, you are all I had hoped a perfect father might have been to me.
- Thank you for adopting me.
- Comfort me.
- Help me learn from your discipline.
- Grow our relationship because of this time in prayer.
"Hallowed Be Your Name"
- Cause me regard you and your character as completely unique and holy.
- Make your name known and revered in the life of my family, in my friends, among the lost people I will see today and among the nations.
- I confess I do not regard you as holy, in fact I run from your holiness. Please cleanse me and make me holy like my father.
Posted by
1:53 PM
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
8th Annual Middle School Auction
- Rummage Tables open at 6:00 p.m.
- Free Pizza arrives at 6:30 p.m.
- Short Presentation & Auction Begins around 7:00 p.m.
- We will wrap up by 9:00 p.m.
- Cash or check to New Life Church
- Roof & Gutter Cleanings from Monte Wallenstein
- Round of Golf (plus coaching) with Tom & William Kendall
- Jeannette Kramer’s Famous German Chocolate Cake
- Alex Fuentes’ Famous Salsa
- Catered Pork Tenderloin Oscar (stuffed with Dungeness Crab) Dinner for 2 by Rick Ohmie
- 3 Day/2 Night stay at Eagle Crest Condo near Bend
- Large Gift Basket from Bob’s Red Mill
- Horseback Riding Lessons by Catherine Kendall
- 3 Hour Guided River Float on the Clackamas & Cookout by Grayson & Cale Haugen
- Senior Photo Shoot by Andie Reavely
- Furniture, toys, household goods, craft supplies, goodies, & much more!
Posted by
Kim Brandstetter
3:33 PM
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
Daylight Saving Time
Posted by
Kim Brandstetter
12:21 PM
Monday, February 25, 2013
Combined Service at West Linn High School
Posted by
Kim Brandstetter
5:01 PM
Monday, February 04, 2013
Hospitality Defined
In conjunction with the Hospitality Challenge, here is a quick article defining the gift of hospitality.
Posted by
2:22 PM
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Hospitality Challenge
Do you have a gift for hospitality? I believe that it is prevalent in New Life Church. Perhaps you have had friends and neighbors over to celebrate the holidays, perhaps you have had friends over to watch a game, your Life Group may meet in your home, or you may find yourself inviting others out for lunch after church. Each of these is an example of hospitality.Hospitality is also apparent in the way you welcome people into the church on Sunday mornings and so generously contribute to our monthly shared meals.
Having identified this strength among us and having seen how it honors God and blesses others, I now want to challenge us even further. Let's intentionally use hospitality in 2013 to build relationships with, and show the love of God to, people who are not in the church. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to have dinner with one person or family in the next 8 weeks (see rules below). Together we can see what God will do as we are not only generous to one another, but to those who are far from God as well.
Hospitality Challenge - Have at least one person over for dinner between February 1st and Easter (March 31st).
Rules: In order to "count" it must be a person/family who is not from our church, does not believe in Jesus, and is not a family member. You may choose to team up with someone from your Life Group (working together is always a bonus and is often more fun) or be as creative as you like. Please share your stories with us so that we can pray together and celebrate together.
Posted by
2:21 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Bless Your Neighbors
Dave Ferguson shared some good ideas on the Verge Blog this week. It struck me as an easy way to think about the relationship building process. He gave 5 key activities:
B- Begin with prayer. We want you to ask, ‘God how do you want me to bless the people in the places you’ve sent me to?’
L- Listen. Don’t talk, but listen to people, their struggles, their pains, in the places God sent you.
E- Eat. You can’t just check this off. It’s not quick. You have to have a meal with people or a cup of coffee. It builds relationships.
S- Serve. If you listen with people and you eat with people they will tell you how to love them and you’ll know how to serve them.
S- Story. When the time is right, now we talk and we share the story of how Jesus changed our life.
Who will you bless this week?
Posted by
9:45 AM
Tuesday, January 08, 2013
Happy Anniversary New Life Wilsonville!
On January 1st, the first Sunday of 2012, New Life Wilsonville had their first baptism as Ricky Belendez gave his public testimony before the church. One week later, on January 8th, they had their first public worship service and were officially launched as a campus of New Life Church.
Please continue to pray that the gospel will be made known in Wilsonville through the people of New Life Church.
Posted by
4:14 PM
Start the New Year with a GOOD BOOK!
Non Fiction
Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian
the Child I Never Knew by Kathie Wunnenberg
Management for Busy Women by Elizabeth George
After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George
from the Heart by Marilyn Boyer
Mothers Pray by Cheri Fuller
Marriage by Douglas Wilson
Women's Journey to the Heart of God by Cynthia Heald
of the Heart by Gigi G. Tchividjian
Experience the BEST by Dr. Steve Stephens
by PRAISE by Michael Youssef
Expectations by Barbra Minar
is for Real by Todd Burpo
RUTH Under
the Wings of GOD by John Piper
Purity (an affair of the heart) by Heather A. Paulsen
Heart of ANGER by Lou Priolo
in God's Eyes (the treasures of the Proverbs 31 women) by Elizabeth George
Simple Ways to Share your Faith by Roberta Hromas
Children Pray (teaching your kids to pray with power) by Cheri Fuller
REST by Sally Breedlove
a Mentor, Being a Mentor (sharing our lives as women of God) by Donna Otto
Speak up
with Confidence (A step by step guide for speakers and leaders) by Carol Kent
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis (special read aloud edition)
You for being a Friend by Jill Briscoe
by Kathleen Norris
Children’s Books
for Young readers GLADYS AYLWARD (Daring to Trust) by Renee Meloche
My Child
My Princess (A parable about the King) by Beth Moore
The Land Where Jesus Walked
Posted by
Kim Brandstetter
9:26 AM