Sunday, July 31, 2005

Ken Taylor, Translator of The Living Bible, Dies at 88

Ken Taylor, a unique man who has a lasting place in the history of American Christianity died in June. You can read about his impact in a Christianity Today article linked here:

Ken Taylor, Translator of The Living Bible, Dies at 88 - Christianity Today Magazine

He was one of my early heroes. My family read the Bible together sometimes when I was a boy. I remember enjoying the Living Bible readings more than the King James, for sure. Those were about the only two options then.

He has influenced Bible reading and translation beyond what I can imagine. His legacy will live on.

1 comment:

Scott Creps said...

The world of biblical translation is confusing, unforgiving, expensive, and worst of all political. The recent debate over the TNIV, which had news stories covering the evangelical debate on both CNN and Fox News, is only a recent example of this.

The life of Ken Taylor is a breath of fresh air. Or more appropriately, a return to biblical thinking about why we translate the Bible. Taylor translated the Bible so people, specifically his kids, could understand God's Word. They could have a real relationship with God and know God spoke to them. What a powerful gift Taylor gave the world! He is not alone in his work. There are translators from dozens of different cultures translating the Bible for people who have no Scriptures in their heart language. May the story of his life bring greater awareness to the need of Bible translation, and the fact, the glorious reality, that God speaks in our language.