Thursday, October 20, 2005


I recently had occasion to dig through the history archives of the church formerly known as West Linn Baptist Church.

Guess which of the following is not in one of those boxes:

  1. Mark and Molly Hanson's wedding program.
  2. A picture of a mortgage burning.
  3. Cindy Sollers' high school graduation picture.
  4. Pictures of the donkey given away during the nation-wide Sunday School competition.
  5. Hannah Cochran as a baby.
  6. Paul Mayhugh's commissioning service bulletin.
  7. A picture of Pastor Scott doing disco in front of a peer pressure poster.
  8. Every bulletin ever produced in the first 50 years of the church.
  9. An announcement for "Spiritual Crusade" at our church featuring John Piper's father.

You are right. #7 is no longer in one of those boxes!

Actually, here is the point. It would be great if someone would volunteer to scan many of the church pictures to create a digital archive of the history of the church. If someone would be willing to work on this project we could loan a you a scanner. Thank you. Please let me know if you would like to do this.

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