Monday, February 27, 2006

Share Your Treasure!

Many people wonder why they should share their faith with people who don't believe, especially if God is going to call them. This quote from Charles Spurgeon is a beautiful answer to that question.

"The Holy Spirit will move them by first moving you. If you can rest without their being saved, they will rest too. But if you are filled with an agony for them, if you cannot bear that they should be lost, you will soon find that they are uneasy too. I hope you will get into such a state that you will dream about your child or your hearer perishing for lack of Christ, and start up at once and begin to cry, 'God, give me converts or I die.' Then you will have converts."—Charles Spurgeon, The Sermons of Charles Haddon Spurgeon Volume 22, London:Passmore & Alabaster, 1876, 143-144.

If the Holy Spirit is moving you and you are uneasy to share your faith, then we can help you talk about Jesus. On the morning of March 18 at New Life Church Riverfalls, we are going to host an evangelism training event. You will learn or review several of the most important aspects of sharing your faith like praying for your friends, starting a conversation, turning a conversation to spiritual things, giving your testimony, and presenting the gospel. Plan on becoming a sharper tool that God can use this Easter season.

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