Monday, August 28, 2006

Stop the Flooding! (Phase 2)

Many of you saw the previous post which told the story of some of the work being done to prevent the church building at New Life Robinwood from flooding again this winter. Well, this weekend was phase 2 of that project. Again, several strong backs gathered to put in a full day of work. Some were teenagers, some middle aged, and even a couple of seniors joined into the action.

The project for phase 2 was to change the slope of the landscape so that water flows away from the auditorium rather than towards it. With all of that dirt the men built up an embankment and put in a beautiful retaining wall to hold it all together. Building the wall not only required strength (lifting 60 pound blocks) but brains (making sure it all fit together properly).

Another crew spent the day chipping and chopping up a couple of trees that had been cut down because they were a hazard to cars parked in the lot behind the church.

A big thanks goes out to Tim Smith who has been coordinating this whole project, and his wife Lori who provided lunch for the whole crew! Thanks again to all who helped!

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