Thursday, February 08, 2007

Today's Encouraging Word

Here is an email I received from a woman who found Christ at New Life Church, then West Linn Baptist. Some days I want to give up. Some days the Lord shares encouragement like this with me to remind me it is worth it.

Many years ago I was in the youth group at West Linn Baptist. You were the youth pastor when I moved away. My last name used to be Naron. You probably do not remember me, and that's ok. (It was 1988-89.)

I live in the San Diego, California area now with my wonderful husband of almost 12 years and our 2 adorable children.

I have a couple of reasons for writing. One is that I want you to be encouraged that as a high-schooler Christ saved me through the ministry at West Linn Baptist and He has since steadily grown me through the study of His word and the work of His body the church. We go to Clairemont Emmanuel Baptist Church and are so blessed to be there. I often think back so lovingly to West Linn because I was born there. I was admittedly a mess back then, but I was loved and brought to Christ through that sweet congregation. I just thought it might be nice to know there is fruit out here from your ministry that you don't even know about. I am so encouraged as I look at what is going on up there. I feared that West Linn would become stagnant or self absorbed as sadly many churches seem to have done. It is wonderful to know God is stirring your hearts and working fresh and new. ( I was looking for the church and came to your blogs. Praise God!)

May the Lord give us eyes of faith to look into the future 18-20 years and trust Him for the children and young people we are serving today!


Anonymous said...

That's wonderful! It is an encouragement to hear of what God has done in people through New Life,just a tool in the hand of the Carpenter. Thanks to all the people who have in the past and are now working with youth.

Lori Elliott said...

This is a blessing to read! It's an encouragement to me...maybe someday a child I taught way back when will come to me when they are grown and bless my life with words like this....but then, maybe that won't happen and that's ok with me too! The students I'm with on Wednesday nights and the children I teach Sunday mornings are blessings in my life right now and I will cherish this time with them!

Pastor Scott, I don't think we tell you enough how much you mean to this church family. Not a day goes by that Tom and I don't thank the Lord for you as our pastor and our friend. We, the Elliott family, are fruit from your ministry as well as the loving support of our New Life Church family!

This young woman's letter is just precious. Thank you for sharing this with us! You can't begin to imagine the encouragement it gave me personally!