Tuesday, May 22, 2007

G.O. Partner

Bill and Michelle Briggs
Jesse, Austin, Juds, Bo
Medical and Discipling Ministries in Ecuador

Bill and Michelle and the boys returned to the United States in April after serving in Ecuador since September, 2005. They are currently traveling, visiting supporters and churches, and we will hopefully see them here soon.

Please pray for future ministry decisions. Because of good contacts/experience in Ecuador and their desire to somehow continue involvement there, the possibility of raising up and coordinating short term teams is being explored. This would involve switching from full time status to associate status with SIM. They are working out the details with SIM and hope to send out a letter in the next few weeks outlining the changes. Please pray for wisdom on how best to proceed including timing for the change, a flexible job that supports their family and a stable education plan for the kids.

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