Thursday, June 07, 2007

Pastor Jerry

Some of you may remember this guy! I still remember the search team introducing him to the church as "PJ", Pastor Jerry. They introduced him that way because, though he had his Doctorate they didn't think he resembled "Dr. J" too much.

Jerry and Carol are doing well. He retired in January and has had only one Sunday off, Easter Sunday, since then. Other than that he's been preaching on Sundays and fishing during the week.

For their 50th anniversary last fall he and Carol flew first class to Europe where he was chaplain for a Mediterranean cruise. They spent some time exploring London on their way home.

Jerry was the Senior Pastor when I started working at New Life Church as youth pastor. We were delighted to see him at the WorldVenture Dessert. He formerly served on the board of directors for the mission.


Lori Elliott said...

Tom and I remember Pastor Jerry and Carol very, very well! When Amanda was just 5 or 6 months old, Pastor Jerry introduced himself to Tom in the parking lot of our duplexes (they had just moved into the duplex complex). Pastor Jerry invited us to church that Sunday and Tom was happy to give West Linn First Baptist a try again (we visited there when we were first married--we didn't see or meet any young couples our age and never went back). We visited again and never left. It's family now!!

Jerry and Carol were great neighbors! They were loving and caring and helped us when our duplex caught fire. They supported us through that terrible experience and then joined us celebrating our move into our brand new home (we never left this place either). They helped us move and then we held hands as Pastor Jerry and Carol prayed a blessing over each room of our new home.

The Lord used Pastor Jerry's warm personality to steer Tom back to church which in turn was a blessing on our family. The Lord used Carol's sweet, gentle personality to steer me to Thursday morning Bible study and ultimately into lives of godly woman that forever changed my life.

Remember Jerry Hamilton? You bet! How can we ever forget (let alone thank) this man of God who loved us into this church family and it is here that our faith in Christ grew leaps and bounds!! We love Jerry and Carol!!

Tom and Lori Elliott

RevReav said...

Wow, Lori,

Your comment is way better than the post!Thanks for sharing that.