Grant me never to lose sight of
the exceeding sinfulness of sin,
the exceeding righteousness of salvation,
the exceeding glory of Christ,
the exceeding beauty of holiness,
the exceeding wonder of grace.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Prayer for Today
Posted by
5:33 AM
Labels: Devotional, prayer
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Water Baptism Postponed
Sunday's water baptism service has been postponed until further notice. If you have questions about water baptism: what is it, why is it an important step for Christians? Or if you would like to be baptised in water, please phone Pastor Scott at the church: 503-656-8600, or e-mail
Posted by
Julia McBride
11:33 AM
Labels: Announcement, Doctrine, Update
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Baby Shower Wednesday Night!
The all church baby shower for Katie (Ross) Alexander will be held this Wednesday evening, the 26th, at 7:00 pm. Sandi Bettineski will be hosting the party in her home at 2405 Dillow Drive in West Linn. For a map to Sandi's home you may click here. If you have questions, please call Sandi directly at 503-655-1651. Remember to buy two of everything and double up on the diapers--Katie will be having twins in November!! Congratulations Katie!
Posted by
Julia McBride
9:10 AM
Labels: Announcement, events
Monday, September 24, 2007
One Solitary Life
Enjoy this simple video of One Solitary Life.
Posted by
10:07 PM
Labels: Devotional
The Reavely's Are Home!
We're Home! We loved our trip AND we're excited to be back. Here are some stats from our trip --
Trip Stats
Days way from Home: 53Nights in a Motel: 16
Breakfasts at McDonalds: 0
Museums: >17
Number of times Marcia's cell phone went off during the changing of the guard at Arlington Cemetary: 1
Total Miles: 10,609
Lowest Gas Price: $2.49 (Two places)
Highest Gas Price: $3:26 (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Quarts of Automatic Transmission Fluid: 7
Pictures: 5324
Minutes in the car with tears: 4
Mosquito bites on Lisa: 147 (more or less)
Most frequently asked question: Where was your favorite place?
Thank you for your prayers and love for our family. We returned with a renewed love for each other, for the Lord, for our country and for our church that would allow us to be gone for so long.
Posted by
12:43 PM
5th Quarter: Pizza and a Movie
Attention high school students! Come join us across the street from WLHS at New Life Church for Pizza and a Movie after we beat Lakeridge :) All are welcome, so invite your friends.
Posted by
Matt Vorhees
10:52 AM
Labels: Announcement, events, Fun, Local Outreach, Sports, Youth Ministry
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Bridges To Change Giving Report
THANKS to all who have contributed food, clothes, or money for our ministry to Bridges To Change. We have been supplying an average of 12-15 boxes of food per month, which have been very gratefully received. As we go through the cupboard rather quickly, please don't forget that this is an ongoing ministry. If you could pick up a few extra items when you go grocery shopping it would be much appreciated. Please leave the non-perishable items at the manna cupboard, in the foyer of the Riverfalls campus. A sample of the items needed: peanut butter and jelly, spaghetti noodles and sauce, boxed complete meals, canned meats, hearty soups, cereals, canned vegetables--shop those sales!!! Please contact Evelyn Hall or Kathy Fuentes with any questions. "Give and it shall be given to you; good measure, pressed down,m shaken together, running over..." Luke 6:38
Posted by
Julia McBride
10:14 PM
Coffee Cart Update
The "Coffee Cart" is a ministry of New Life Church, simply designed to bless and encourage the students on our doorstep at West Linn High School. Now that school is back in session we've had a great first week with the students. You don't have to be a Starbucks "barista", or even know your latte from a cappuccino in order to join us, you just have to be willing to help! More volunteers are urgently needed--early morning, weekday shifts. Please see Elaine Hochstetter, or call the church for more information, or to sign up. We need YOU!!
Posted by
Julia McBride
10:08 PM
Labels: Community, Local Outreach, Youth Ministry
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Missions: The Holladay Family Needs Your Help!
Rick and Mary Beth Holladay are our Global Outreach missionaries to the Art Factory in Germany, where our GO team ministered this summer.
The Holladay Family will be here arriving from Germany December 15th with their four daughters. The family will be traveling during part of their stay. Can you provide wheels for the Holladays? If you have a car or minivan you can loan, please call Jeff and Carol Carlson at 503-656-0970.
Posted by
Julia McBride
3:07 PM
Labels: Christmas, Community, Global Outreach, Missions, Needs
Men's Roundup 2007
A note from Lee Bennett: Even though the cook trailer wasn't completed yet, it still functioned extremely well. The plaque was very encouraging to see. There were several first timers there and it gave us the opportunity to explain to them why we have the trailer and the plaque. I think that Rick would have been very excited to see long time Christian men spending a good deal of time with these first timers. As the plaque says, iron sharpens iron.
A big thank you to Bill Kramer, Del Florea, Tom Elliott, Alex Fuentes, Billy Ferguson and Mark Hannifan. For all your hard work on the cook trailer, You guys rock, some of you cook!
Posted by
Julia McBride
2:54 PM
LIBRARY: New Books for Riverfalls!
New books have been purchased for adults, teens, and children...there's something new for everyone! The adult/teen books are in the upstairs library. New children's books will be downstairs. Thank you Joeleen Montgomery for your hard work and dedication!
Children's Library The story of JONAH by Bible Classics
Books by Irene HowatHow ten Boys Changed the WORLD
Ten Boys Who Made a DIFFERENCE
Ten Girls Who Changed the WORLD
Ten Girls Who Made HISTORY
The Cul-De-Sac KidsThe Chicken Pox Panic
The Crazy Christmas Angel Mystery
The Double Dabble Surprise
Frog Power
The Mystery of Case D. Luc
No Grown-ups Allowed
The Case for Christ for Kids by Lee Strobel
Books by Lois G LeppardMandie and the Courtroom Battle #27
Mandie and the Cherokee Legend #2
Mandie and the Angel's Secret #22
TEEN'S Library (upstairs)
Christian Heroes: Then & Now George Muller by Janet & Geoff Benge
A Young Woman's Walk with GOD by Elizabeth George
A Young Man After God's Own Heart by Jim George
The Power of a Praying Teen by Stormie Omartian
Sister In Time: Betsy's River Adventure (1808) Journey Westward
Main LibraryDominion by Randy Alcorn (fiction)
Fame by Karen Kingsbury (fiction)
Found by Karen Kingsbury (fiction)
Tomorrow's Dream by Janette Oke & Davis T Bunn (fiction)
The Visitation by frank Peretti (fiction )
Moonlight on the Millpond by Lori Wick (fiction)
Sophie's Heart by Lori Wick (fiction)
Where the Wild Rose Blooms by Lori Wick (fiction)
The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn (241)
The FIVE Love Languages by Gary Chapman (646.7)
The Five Love Languages of TEENAGERS by Gary Chapman (649)
bring up BOYS BY Dr. James Dobson (248.8)
On becoming TODDLER WISE by Gary Ezzo, M.D.(649)
Just Walk Across the Room by bill Hybels (248.5)
90 Minutes In Heaven by Don Piper (231.7)
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren (248.4)
Posted by
Julia McBride
1:51 PM
Labels: Announcement, Update