Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hotel in Brazil

We arrived in San Luiz after traveling 30 hours. We had slept some on the plane, but were exhausted. We were so tired near the end that we got off the airplane at the wrong city! Only when our bags didn't come did we find out that they were still on the plane because we weren't to San Luiz yet. It was a touch embarrassing.
If we hadn't been so tired we'd have been fairly discouraged by the austerity of our hotel room. It had a bed, no blankets -- lights, no lampshades -- bugs, no suitcase racks -- running water, but not to drink. But, the bed worked and we enjoyed a great night's sleep. After all, it had an air conditioner which may have been our only true necessity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pastor Scott & Marcia
Thanks for the updates and pics. Know that we have been praying for you. Maybe we should have prayed for your accomodations. The Lord definately knows what is really needed. I know the A/C is a blessing!