Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Utah Mission Team Update #6

At the gas stationWell...we're home. We arrived at Riverfalls at midnight this morning. The ride home was relaxed and uneventful in a good way.

Let me briefly backfill what happened Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

Cleaning machinesOut to eatSaturday we cleaned the entire church. Toilets, urinals, floors, carpets, weeding name it, we cleaned it. Not only that, each team member did their part with a smile. Later that night we went out to eat with our hosts Scott and Melanie Creps and Steve and Katie Bennetsen. Of course Micah, Luke and Abigail were there too.

Sunday we were acknowledged in the worship service. Scott Creps was preaching and introduced us before his sermon. Every time he mentioned that we pulled weeds the room burst into applause. They must not like pulling weeds and were VERY thankful. We later helped setup for the community picnic that we passed out fliers for and played soccer with some of the kids. We were also able to reconnect with a couple of the kids and families from Sports Camp who were at both the service and the picnic. Three of which were kids who indicated that they wanted to receive Christ at the end of Sports Camp.

At LagoonGirls at LagoonMonday we decompressed after a long week. We went to the Lagoon Amusement Park near Salt Lake City. It was a great time. Students hung together and enjoyed a day of fun.

What an awesome trip! Thanks so much for your support and prayers. Lives were changed, both those we visited, those of us who went, and we pray those of you who followed our journey and those who will hear about it in the future. Pray that that change will continue to take root in our everyday lives.

Please continue to pray for the ministry of Alpine Church and for what God is doing in is exciting! It is such a ripe mission field where less than a percent of the people are Evangelical Christians and the gospel of grace is challenging many burned by the LDS church to "go beyond religion."

For many, MANY more pictures, click here to visit the Ignite Gallery.


Anonymous said...

Welcome Back! Sounds like you had quite an impact on Alpine church and the community.
Looking forward to your report back!

Anonymous said...

I am not a member of your organization, but was curious what you meant by one of your comments. The comment about the Christians being burdened by the LDS church. I know that Latter Day saints are Christians. Just curious.

Matt Vorhees said...

In response the the comment above, I understand that LDS people would like to refer to themselves as Christians. I respect that, but the term Evangelical Christian is more specific and I've never heard a LDS person request such a label.