Sunday, December 14, 2008

Okay! Okay! It's snowing! Church is called OFF!

Yes, I see it's snowing. Moral of the story. . . never write anti-snow poetry too early in the morning. No more "Yawn" at the snow report!

We are NOT going to have church. There will NOT be a business meeting tonight either.


Tiff said...

What to our wondering eyes should appear, but tiny white flakes so we're staying here! Enjoy the snow, love the Howards! Yippee!

Unknown said...

There once was a pastor who loved Church so much,
when checking the weather, he was oft out of touch.
His eyes were so fixed on the Ancient of Days,
that he mistook the Glory for actual sun rays.

He didn't see snow on the ground he insisited,
and even the clouds in the sky he resisted,
but children all over were in fervent prayer,
and God released snow from its heavenly lair.

"There will be church!" quoth the pastor in fury,
"There is no snow- nay, nary a flurry!"
But a child approached in the midst of his mirth,
and recited: "Set your affections above, not on things on the Earth"

"Look up, it is coming; I prayed through the night!"
the child explained with a scream of delight.
As the Father of Lights rained down snow from above,
the pastor recanted and re-posted in love.

Have fun in the snow!

The Polettis

RevReav said...

I love the poetry! Thanks. . .

Lori Elliott said...

Great poems! Snow just makes me so happy but there's nothing like the joy that comes from hanging with the kids in Treasure Land! We'll do our Christmas story reinactment next week!! So, if any of you Treasure Land kids read the Blog (or your parents do) read the story about Jesus's birth in Luke's account and have fun in the snow and love to you all!!

Mrs. Elliott (Lori)

Anonymous said...

yeah, well...i am not at all poetic so don't even think about it! When i read the 'no snow' message i had to look outside again. We had around an inch at that time and it was blowing snow like gang busters!! I was lovin it.
Do miss the fellowship & worship though.
Will this Sunday be the same? The weather forcast this morning kinda sounded like it... alas.
