Monday, December 28, 2009

Week 5 - Gospel

What is 5(hundred) Hours?

5(hundred) Hours is an ambitious, church-wide call to prayer aimed at spending five hundred cumulative hours in corporate and private prayer to prepare for the February launch of re:Generātion, a new Young Adults Ministry taking place Sunday nights.

Week 5 - Gospel

The gospel is the good news that God sent His Son to save us from our sins. This means that union with Christ—in his life, death and resurrection—is not only what converts a person, but what transforms, empowers and matures them too. Everything we do—from ministry to mission—is to be shaped by the reality, as Paul says in Galatians 2:20, that having been crucified with Christ, we no longer live, but rather Christ lives in us. The life we live in the flesh, we live by faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave himself for us.

re:Generātion exists to convey and communicate the centrality of Christ to the gospel and the gospel to all of life.

What to pray for as we ought . . .

Gracious Father, make re:Generātion a gospel-centered community committed to conveying and communicating the centrality of Christ to the gospel and the gospel to all of life.

Guard and guide the hearts of both its members and its leaders for we are all prone to follows other gods—idols of our own making and design.

Grieve them, I pray, in those times when they forsake you, with a profound and godly sorrow and lead them in a life marked by true repentance(2 Cor. 7:9).

Cause them to turn away,
From seeking their own good,
From exalting their own names,
From loving their own lives,
From playing their own gods,
From saving their own souls.

Be gracious, O Lord, according to your loving-kindness; according to the greatness of your compassion blot out their transgressions. Wash them thoroughly from their iniquity, and cleanse them from their sin!

Create within them clean hearts and renew right and steadfast spirits within them (Ps. 51:1-2, 10).

Make them righteous by your grace as a gift received by faith. Do not allow them to trust in their own works but in you, the God who justifies the ungodly through the redemption that is in Christ (Rom. 4:5).

Root them deeply, Father, in the reality that having been baptized into Christ they have been baptized into His death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through your own powerful glory, they too might walk in newness of life.

Unite them to your Son that sharing in His death they might also share in His life-giving resurrection.

Through the cross, dispel the power of sin and set them free from its slavery.

As Christ himself died to sin and now lives His life to you, so too teach them to consider themselves in all their parts dead to sin but alive to you in union with your Son.

May sin, therefore, have no dominion over them, for they are no longer under the law, but under the reign of grace (Rom. 6:1-14).

And finally, Father, having experienced your gracious, gospel love, may they then love in return.

Make them agents of your grace, sent out in the name of Christ to seek and save the lost.

Printable Prayers

For a printable version of these prayers to take with you throughout the week click on the following link.

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