Thursday, January 14, 2010

What is re:Generātion?


New Life re:Generātion exists to engage young adults in gospel-centered community focused on worship, mission and leadership development.

What is re:Generātion?

Starting February 28th, re:Generātion will be primarily organized around a weekly, Sunday-night gathering from 6:00-9:00pm made up of three, interlocking elements.

First: missionally-focused Life Groups. From 6:00-6:45pm, the church will be open and available as a meeting place for various small groups each of which will be organized around reaching a specific people-group for the sake of the gospel (i.e., recovering addicts, a particular neighborhood, CCC students, young, single-mothers, etc.).

Second: Word and Worship. From 7:00-8:45pm, there will be a time of public teaching and corporate worship aimed (in both style and content) toward communicating and applying the gospel to a 20-something audience. Because worship is a response to revelation, this “service” will be intentionally frontloaded with gospel-Word so that the last half or so can be spent in gospel-Worship.

Third: a prayer ministry. After the time of teaching, while most people will still be in worship, the Fireside Room will be open for prayer to those wanting to respond to the message or who came that night with special needs. A team of trained volunteers (led by Kevin Dickey and Crystal Carlson) will provide a welcoming and guiding presence in the prayer room in service to those who reach-out.

Who is re:Generātion for?

re:Generātion is aimed at:

1. Training and equipping young adults at New Life Church for life and ministry.

2. Training and equipping young adults from other churches for life and ministry in their local church.

3. Reaching unchurched, young adults with the gospel.

How can I (as a church member) get involved?

First: through prayer. The Sunday-night prayer room will be the primary place for relational overlap between New Life Church at large (i.e., non-young adults) and the members of re:Generātion. This setting will provide a powerful opportunity for mentor-type relationships to develop.

In addition to the Sunday-night prayer room there will also be an ongoing prayer effort organized to support the ministry of re:Generātion. This group will meet periodically through the month to pray for the leadership and leadership development of re:Generātion, re:Generātion’s evangelistic outreach and any other special needs.

If you’re interested in finding out more information about serving in the prayer room or on the support prayer team, please contact Aaron Orendorff at

Second: through giving. Most of the financial support for re:Generātion will come from the general fund. However, there will be special projects from time to time that we’ll need help to accomplish. Please keep your ears and eyes open for opportunities to give.

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