Monday, February 15, 2010

Guatemala Team Departs

Early Saturday morning the Guatemala Mission Team gathered at PDX to catch their first flight in route to Guatemala. All was going well until the team discovered that one of the team members (a late addition to the team) did not have an airplane ticket. Initial conversations with the ticket agent were not going well. The team began to pray. Eventually, the man at the counter discovered that we could add this team member to the group by switching her name with a previous team member who could not go on the trip. However, we would have to wait until another agent came into work just 45 minutes before flight departure. The team gathered to pray, and then most of the team went on to the departure gate. At 7:15, the second ticket agent appeared, the ticket was changed (at no additional cost), and the team was reunited just before boarding time.

The team saw this as the first in what would likely be a trip full of stretching experiences. They knew they would have to "walk by faith" the whole way. They saw the hand of God at work!

Please pray for this team as they spend this week ministering to children, the sick, and people in need of the gospel. Pray that the team would be unified, walking in step with the Spirit, and used of God to help build His church in Pampache and Wachob, Guatemala.

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