Monday, April 05, 2010

The Gospel Lived

A New Sermon Series on the Reality of Grace in a Save-Yourself World

Week 1 | The Gospel and Your Identity
Week 2 | The Gospel and Your Righteousness
Week 3 | The Gospel and Your Idolatry
Week 4 | Proclaiming the Gospel to Yourself
Week 5 | Proclaiming the Gospel to Christians
Week 6 | Proclaiming the Gospel to Non-Christians

Most people live their lives believing the seemingly inescapable truth: you are what you do. If you do good, you are good and you deserve to have a good life. If you do bad, you are bad and you deserve to have bad life.

Whether you’re religious or irreligious, conservative or liberal, rich or poor makes little difference to this foundational way of thinking, because even though we may go about trying to “save” ourselves in lots of different ways, all of us basically believe that it’s up to us to get the job done: that love, happiness and fulfillment only come to those who earn it.

The gospel, on the other hand, is radically different. The gospel begins not with us, but with God; not with who we are and what we’ve done, but with who God is and what He’s done for us in Christ.

Join us this Spring Sunday mornings and follow along in your Life Group as we explore how the reality of grace transforms our lives from the inside out.

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