New Life Church has a prayer focus each week. Our prayer focus is broken down into three categories of ministry: 1. We pray for another local church that is proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. 2. We pray for a Global Outreach Partner who is proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. 3. We pray for a ministry of New Life Church that is proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ locally.
Area Church: Sandy Baptist Church – Sandy, OR, Pastor Fred Vogel
- Pray for Pastor Fred and the team that was in Mexico to build two houses and hold VBS for the kids this last week.
- Pray for their safe return this evening and lasting impact on both the community in Mexico and the team that went.
- Pray also for the addition of an educational wing being built this spring. Pray for the permit process and construction to go smoothly.
NLC Ministry: re:Generation
- Pray for continued Life Group growth and depth. Praise God that nearly half of re:Gen attendees are currently plugged in and engaged in LGs.
- Pray for the series we are beginning in Hebrews 11. Pray for wisdom and direction for Aeric, Grant and Taylor, and guest teachers, to communicate truth clearly and powerfully, and that growth would occur.
- Pray for new leaders to be identified, equipped, and deployed.