Sunday, March 13, 2011

Prayer Focus for the week of Mar. 13th

New Life Church has a prayer focus each week. Our prayer focus is broken down into three categories of ministry: 1. We pray for another local church that is proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. 2. We pray for a Global Outreach Partner who is proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. 3. We pray for a ministry of New Life Church that is proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ locally.

Area Church: Grace Church of Molalla – Molalla, OR. Pastor John Baker
Global Partner: Rick and Mary Beth Holladay – The Art Factory, Deutschland

  • Praise God for 22 people who came for "Dinner and Dialogue" to discuss a variety of topics.
  • Pray for those who come, who don't know Jesus yet, to continue in dialoguing about Him with those who do know Him.
  • Pray for the Holladays as they reapply for a work/residence visa in April.
  • Pray for their daughters who are finishing finals this week.
NLC Ministry: Middle School Ministry

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