Tuesday mornings 10:00 AM September through June, fifteen to eighteen people meet for Bible study and prayer. George Nelson leads the sessions. Recently the Book of Revelation was completed; Isaiah will be continued in the Fall. Lively discussion and fellowship (including coffee and treats) complete the agenda.
Seniors, remember in September to drop in and check this out.
Here is a letter from one of the participants to the leaders:
Dear George & Betty,
Thank you for your faithfulness in preparation and teaching our Tuesday Morning Senior Bible Study. Each week finds you giving yourselves away for Him and we are beneficiaries of your service.
George, you unselfishly share from the reservoir of God’s truth you’ve acquired through a lifetime of serving Him. It takes a certain skill, and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to teach (impart knowledge) with humility and authority. You do this gently and effectively each week, breathing life into difficult passages of Scripture, adding information from your own research.
Betty, the heart of your husband trusts safely in you (Proverbs 31). Your quiet, careful attentive presence beside him contributes, perhaps more than you know, to his confidence. Your basket of snack materials and treats makes our fellowship time complete. God shaped you as a pastor’s daughter to be a pastor’s wife and we thank Him for you.
We praise God for the two of you and ask His continued blessing and joy on your life.
With love,
Your students