Friday, October 07, 2011

Make a LOUD Joyful Noise

The Gospel Coalition, one of the most trustworthy and conservative organizations in modern Christendom, recently tackled the topic of how loud a worship service should be. You can read the blog post here. I have several takeaways from their article:

  • I'm comforted to know we are not the only church who is asking this question.
  • "The goal of music in the gathering isn't great sound or even great music. It's a church gathered and united in song." A congregation lifting their voices in praise is the reason we have music in church. Is the church singing?
  • Comfort is not merely a function of volume, but harshness.
  • The Scripture endorses loudness (Psalm 47:1; Psalm 150:5).
  • Loudness is not a function of style, though it is often perceived to be.
  • Managing the sound is a pastoral concern...and one we are paying attention to.
We are working at creating congregations who sing out because they cannot contain their love for God. We want the music to serve that and we grieve when it doesn't happen and enjoy it like everyone else when it does. Thank you for bearing with our misses and for praying for our success. May God be treasured and worshiped exuberantly by New Life Church!

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