Thursday, June 28, 2012

Anna's Utah Team Report

June 28, 2012

As the fourth day of Sports Camp ends I am happy to report that fifteen campers decided to make Jesus their King today. I know there are many people out there who would like to play this down, but I couldn’t be more convinced that God is changing hearts and lives. Even within my huddle group of 5th graders, who seem to have already accepted the Gospel, He is producing much fruit. The conversations that are happening every day remind me of why I'm even in Utah in the first place. Seeing a child truly grasp the seriousness of their sin and then go on to acknowledge the saving power of their Savior is a beautiful thing. Reminding me of the truth that “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” is comforting in the midst of meeting these young believers. God has blessed me immensely through these loving girls, my amazing co-leader from Alpine, and of course the daily reminders of the Gospel in its simplest form: Big God, Big Problem, Big Solution, Big Change, and Big Joy! Aside from Sports Camp, I can sense the team maturing and growing in their walks with Christ. One of the most exciting things I've experienced on this trip is witnessing the younger students' ever-increasing involvement. Not only have they served selflessly for the past six days, but they have been swift to cast all of the credit on the One who is worthy of glory, honor, and power. Not once have I heard any remarks concerning self-reliance or even self-congratulations, rather every night I'm hearing God's name be praised more than the night before. I am amazed by the work God is doing in their lives. Early on in the trip, it was almost embarrassing how easy one could have this mindset of self-determination. Even as I went about doing the various service projects, I could feel myself start to think that I don't actually need God in order to paint this wall. I was frustrated and disappointed with the tasks because I believed that we should have been doing something more worthwhile. This attitude is foolish. Most of our lives revolve around the menial and insignificant tasks. Our daily schedules are consumed with jobs that could be seen as boring, stagnate, and lacking in spirituality. This is only the case because we often make it so. Personally, I do go about my life with an overwhelming amount of pride, which encourages me to belittle God's Hand in those tasks. If I would only acknowledge my need for an all-powerful God all-day-every-day, just imagine how those unassuming tasks could be used for His Kingdom! I know He is faithful. We could use lots of prayer. Energy for our last day at Sports Camp tomorrow, as we want to love on those kids as much as possible before we say good-bye, and also prayer that God would continue to humble us and have us trust in Him completely. Hope life is going well at home! We miss you all! -Anna Alcutt, senior

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I know that painting a wall may seem like a small thing and may not reflect how great God is, but I want you to know, that when I use those oatmeal colored stairs, I will forever be reminded of God's power that I witnessed at sports camp. I will remember the excitement my own son had to lead someone to Christ. Not because he did it, but because He saw God stirring the hearts of the boys.

God blessed me to have that time to work with your group, and I am ever changed. I will pray for your group every time I go up and down those stairs. Thank you.

Coach Sing-Sing