Sunday, April 09, 2006

Happy Birthday

Thank you for making my birthday a sweet one. It was a joy to feel loved by so many in my church.

As the picture suggests, I've had a lot of birthdays, but none nicer than this one. The cakes and birthday cards were gracious and fun. Marcia had the seminary students over for a surprise dinner after church and then my Life group had another surprise dinner at 5:30 for me. I'm stuffed, but happy.


RevReav said...

I am so bummed that no one doubted that this old photo is actually older than I am. I'm not the cute one. The cute one is, hello people, probably the age of my grandparents.

Anonymous said...

I was just about to run and ask my mom if this was really you... (haha) I definitely had my doubts!
Happy belated birthday!
- Hannah