Thursday, May 18, 2006

Support Your Katrina Relief Team '06

If you haven't heard already, a team of 17 (11 high school students and 6 adults) has been assembled to be commissioned by New Life Church with the goal of providing ongoing relief in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Our trip will be from June 24-July 3. We will be returning to the same area as the team that was sent last year, teaming up with Bible Fellowship Church and Delta Ministries to impact the community of Pass Christian, MS for Christ.

We plan to do this through a number of means, including construction, cleanup, children's ministry, etc. The "etc." basically indicating that we know little about what exactly we will be doing at this point. That is why the keyword for our trip is "flexibility." More than anything, we want to be a blessing to the community of Pass Christian and the church by serving in whatever ways are most needed.

A variety of talented and gifted representatives of New Life Church are on the team (top row from left to right - Taylor Reavley, Brian Cochran, Lauren & Chris Curry, Alex Curteman, TJ Elliot, Alex Polley, Larry Littrell, and Matt Vorhees; bottom row from left to right - Mandi Elliot, Hannah & Brianne Cochran, Katie Tefft, Donna Silva, Alicia Vorhees, and Meredith & Nick Curteman). As a small cross-section of the membership here at New Life Church, we recognize that our ultimate effectiveness will not be reached apart from the support of the entire body; therefore, we are asking for your support.

We covet your prayers and ask for help with finances. Like we are learning in our stewardship series, God already owns everything; He owns cattle on a thousand hills; there is no lack of resources when it comes to our God. So please ask that He would provide financially for our trip, but also pray that He works powerfully in us and through us. We won't be changed apart from His Spirit filling our hearts and impacting the hearts of those we're ministering to. Please pray!

And would you be an answer to our prayers regarding this? Should you feel inclined to contribute financially, you can make checks payable to "New Life Church" and indicate that it is for Katrina Relief Team '06. Please do not write an individual's name on the check.

Thanks for your support! We've already experienced it in the kind and encouraging words that have been spoken in passing. We hope to represent New Life Church well and advance the reputation of our God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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