Saturday, March 17, 2007

How do I thank you for a marvelous send off into retirement?

It was a great day. Starting off with a fun lunch with the staff. Things that didn't go as planned with lunch: transportation and location. How it turned out: Got to see the new OHSU tram in the air, go site seeing, enjoy a very good lunch at a brand new restaurant and share a 6 layer cake. Now how can you beat that!

Then, to walk into the church with many of you standing there. How much more could I be honored? Well, you did with a great gift. An outstanding cruise to one our favorite places - Victoria, BC. We scheduled it for the end of September and really look forward to it. A CD I'll treasure forever, of you with such kind words. An autograph book with a caricature by Dave Ross (I'm not sure I ever looked that good behind my desk). Me on front of Time magazine, now that was some doing by Nancy Carlson.

It was a fantastic day I'll always remember and watch on CD. But, then you've given me many years of great memories. It was a blessing to share 29 years of my life with you. Your prays through the years were always appreciated, especially when health problems occurred for both of us. Please continue to pray for me.

I plan to seeing you occasionally. Please feel free to give me a call or visit as I don't want to be out of your lives.

Again, thanks for the love and memories,

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