Monday, March 05, 2007

Women of Purpose

Every Tuesday Evening at 7:00 PM @ New Life Robinwood a group of New Life Women meet together for the purpose of studying God's Word, praying together, and sharing life together. Over the past 11 weeks they have been working through a study called "Becoming a Woman of Purpose." Each week a different guest speaker has come to speak to the group about a different area of the Christian life. You can see from the smiling faces in the pictures that these women have been having a great time together. What you can't see is that God has been doing an amazing transforming work on the hearts of these women. You can only see that by joining them for a study. Hey that's a good segue'.

You are invited to join these women tonight (3/6) for a potluck and preview the next study entitled "Growing in Wisdom and Faith" by Elizabeth George. This practical study from the book of James comes highly recommended and will begin next Tuesday (3/13). It would be a great study to invite a friend to as James talks about issues that affect women today. Books will be available to purchase for $5:00. If this is your first time to come please let us know so we are sure to have enough books on hand. We will also need to know if you need child care. Email Cris Austen at

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