Sunday, July 22, 2007

Germany Report

We’re a bit over halfway now, just four full days of work left and one day of travel. Our time here has been amazing. The team morale, unity and energy have all been astonishing. Saturday we took our first break from work and traveled to a number of tourist stops in France. Our wildly navigated trip included a restored 12th century castle, a walled-in medieval village that had been turned into an open-air market and a French and German WWI trench-memorial. The history here is staggering. The church we visited today wasn’t the regular church the Holladays attend. G5, which is the name of the church, hosts what is essentially a very Willow Creek-esque, seeker-sensitive Sunday morning service. Most the music is a mix between German and English, while the speaking is in German although our team had translation via headphones. The facility is sprawling and we stayed after for lunch in their restaurant/full-bar area.

The work has been dirty and demanding, but thanks in great part to the group’s spirits, it has gone well. Please pray for our continued safety, as a lot of the jobs we’re doing are a bit treacherous. We continue to enjoy one another’s company and I really can’t say enough about how miraculous our camaraderie has been. We look forward to seeing you all on our return home.

For His Glory and the Joy of the Nations,
Aaron and Amanda Orendorff

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