Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thank you!

Thank you for every word, every prayer, every expression of love you have poured out up on us this past year and a half.

Your faithfulness to us was amazing.

You never gave up but reminded us each day, in some way you would walk beside us to journey’s end…and you did.

Gib was humbled by it all and even more so if he could have experienced the honor you showed him at his memorial service.

Thank you.

I would say with tears there is an empty place in my life that only Gib could fill, but in time I will learn what he already knows.

There is only ONE who can fill my empty places.

“O thou beloved child of My desire,

Whether I lead thee through green valleys,

By still waters,

Or through fire,

Or lay thee down in silence under snow,

Through any weather, and whatever

Cloud may gather,

Wind may blow ~

Wilt thou love Me? Trust Me? Praise Me?”

The answer is still, “Yes, Lord.”

Nancy Carlson


Taylor Reavely said...
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Anonymous said...

Beautiful! :)