Wednesday, January 02, 2008

We Have A Winner!!!

In the first ever Treasure Chest Giveaway, we have a winner. I wrote the names of each person who commented onto a slip of paper and put them into a hat. I shook it up really well and then had my lovely assistant, Lisa draw out a name blindly. She stirred a little and then chose LORI ELLIOTT!!!

Immediately she looked right at me and said, "My teacher! (brief pause). . . That's not why I drew that one!" I say that to put a stop to any controversy that might have swirled around the fact that she did not draw her own sisters. So, Lori, stop by the church and pick up your new book.


Lori Elliott said...

woohoo!! I will be in on Friday to claim the prize! I want to thank my Treasureland student, Lisa, for without her I would not have been claiming this prize....ok, so I'm going a little over the top here with my enthusiasm about being drawn---it's just that I never win prizes for anything except for winning the prize for the most losses in Bunko!

Brian Janssen said...

Foul! Re-count! Hanging chad!!! I'm taking this all the way to the Supreme Court!!!

RevReav said...

Brian Janssen? Was he even entered in the drawing? Oops. Sorry. . .

I'm playin' with ya.

Lori Elliott said...

Brian, you're being a poor LOOSER!! And Chad wasn't even there, hanging around when they did the drawing!! Whose Chad? I'm kidding witch-ya. Anyway, my attorney looked over everything and all the fine print and I won fair and square. If you can't trust your attorney, who can ya trust?
