Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Couple Conference Update

This past weekend 17 couples (13 from our church and 4 from the community) gathered together to talk about building stronger relationships. Our presenter, Noel Meador did a fantastic job giving us tools to use to help our marriages.

One of the more helpful tools he gave us was the "Speaker Listener Technique." If you have not used this technique before, I would encourage you to check out the basics of the process at the web site: www.positive-way.com/family.htm

If you are looking for some help with your marriage, Lasting Relationships is great organization with some practical tools that can help you. You can find other conferences in our area by going to www.lastingrelationships.org.

Also, be sure to come to church over the next five weeks. Pastor Scott and I will be preaching a series from God's word on Marriage and Family.


Anonymous said...

I recommend the conference. It was much more helpful than I had anticipated.
The Pastor's Wife

Anonymous said...
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