Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

This is the video I showed in church today. In addition to being a great reminder that God loves us, it is also a good way to think about making the gospel personal like I wrote last week. Think in simple before/after terms. If you can put it on a sheet of cardboard it is simple enough. Enjoy!


Lori Elliott said...

This touched me deeply and I keep thinking about it. As I watched this video, I wondered, "Lord, what would I have on my cardboard sign?" Immediately...I mean, boom! I knew, without a doubt, what I would write on one side and what He has written for me on the other side. I hope others are thinking about this too. I pray for an opportunity to share this video with someone hurting or struggling or seeking this week or maybe just tell them my "sign."

May God bless you this week...of course He will!


Anonymous said...

Wow! This is a wonderful testimony of God's glory. As I watched I wondered what would those of my church members say.... What would mine say? :) GOD IS GOOD!!!