Monday, June 23, 2008

Sports Camp Day 1

Our Sports Camp/VBS began today at New Life Church. We had 77 kids show up (59 is the most we have ever had before)! A great time was had by all as David Nizic (camp director/general manager), Matt Vorhees (youth pastor), The Utah Mission Team, and other volunteers taught the children about basketball.

Brianne Cochrane is the Rally Coach for the camp. She taught the kids the story of Nehemiah and the teamwork that was needed to accomplish the task of rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem. Each day has a different Bible theme. On Thursday the theme will be "sacrifice", and Brianne will share about Christ being the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Please be in prayer for Brianne and the other "coaches" as they share the good news of Jesus Christ. Please pray for the kids to be safe and for some to put their faith in Christ this week!

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