What is 5(hundred) Hours?5(hundred) Hours is an ambitious, church-wide call to prayer aimed at spending five hundred cumulative hours in corporate and private prayer to prepare for the January launch of
re:Generātion, a new Young Adults Ministry taking place Sunday nights.
Week 1 - Leadership & Leadership Development
A central element of the church’s mission is to develop and deploy new leaders in every generation. Paul described this process as “entrusting” to faithful men and women the message of the gospel with the purpose of enabling them to take that same message to others (2 Tim. 2:1-2). Everything rises and falls on leadership.
re:Generātion is committed to the production and re-production of leaders through training, mentoring, and ministry experience.
What to pray for as we ought . . .
There are two primary areas of prayer to focus on this week: (1) re:Generātion’s Leadership Team itself and (2) re:Generātion’s Leadership Development as a ministry.
re:Generātion’s Leadership Team
I pray, Father, for the leadership team of New Life re:Generātion—for Grant Blomdahl, John McKay, Aaron Orendorff and Taylor Reavely.
I ask first and foremost that these men would be blameless and above reproach; instruments of your own choosing, qualified and gifted.
Make them sober-minded, self-controlled and hospitable.
May they say with the Psalmist, “Whom have I in heaven but the Lord, and there is nothing on earth I desire besides Him.”
Make them gentle and honest, quick to listen and slow to anger; humble servants of your will and your people.
May you, O God, sanctify them through and through, keeping their whole spirit, soul and body holy for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
May they earnestly love what is good and hold firmly to the message of your Word, instructing others in sound doctrine and refuting those who oppose it.
Unify and guide them in all their decision-making.
Give them wisdom from above: wisdom that is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and sincere.
Give them a singular vision and unite them as one mind.
May their motives and decisions be governed by your Word and Spirit for the good of your people and the glory of your great name.
Cause them to keep a close watch on both their lives and doctrine, preserving them so that they might save both themselves and their hearers.
re:Generātion’s Leadership Team
Gracious Father, I pray that you would use the ministry of re:Generātion to produce and reproduce a new generation of godly leaders.
Raise up men and women passionately committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ; ready and willing to take up their crosses and follow him.
Give to these new leaders a spirit of wisdom and revelation in their knowledge of you.
Grip them with the truth of your word,
Shape them through the power of your Spirit,
Equip them through the ministry of the body,
Make them wise and discerning, trained and prepared, sanctified and faithful.
Do not take them out of the world, but protect them from the evil one.
Make re:Generātion a strategic, intentional, and powerful tool in the advancement of your kingdom.
Printable Prayers
For a printable version of these prayers to take with you throughout the week click on the following