Monday, April 20, 2009

Turn Off Your TV

This week, April 20-26, is National Turn Off Your TV Week. Though the television is not evil, in and of itself, it can definitely be a huge distraction from the most important things in life. So... why don't you try it? Can you disconnect from TV for just one week? Here is a list of 10 really good things to do with your time instead of turning your brain to mush : )

1. Read the Bible and Pray (that had to be first).
2. Come to a game night at the Pylate's house on Monday night at 7:00 PM (2590 Oxford Street in West Linn).
3. Read a good book.
4. Come to the Sing-A-Long night at New Life Robinwood on Wednesday at 7:00 PM (Ronn Pricer has promised to play any song you request).
5. Spend an evening playing outside with your family.
6. Invite a neighbor over for a BBQ or Dessert.
7. Free Breakfast on Saturday- Come to New Life Riverfalls at 9:00 AM and learn about Nursing Home Ministry.
8. Free Dinner on Saturday- Come to the Bettineski's House (2405 Dillow Drive in West Linn) at 4:00 PM for Burgers and time with International Students.
9. Free Dessert on Saturday- Come to New Life Robinwood at 7:00 PM for Apple Pie and and a chance to learn about Cadence (a ministry to Military Personnel).
10. Come to the Global Outreach Potluck on Sunday night at 5:00 PM at New Life Robinwood. Hear missionaries speak, worship, and enjoy time with your church family.

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