Friday, June 26, 2009

Alaska Mission Trip Day 3

Today was another day of work on various projects and a night of ministry with the single military personnel. Donna and Larissa (Metko's granddaughter) and Barb Evans worked on organizing a storage space. Lee, Nathan, and Caleb (Metko's grandson) worked on putting up sheeting in ministry center. Larry, Darin, and Cale continued work on the tile in the bathroom. Louise and Beryl went shopping and kept us well fed.

The ministry night with the single soldiers was much more lively than with the married folks last night. Like last night, we shared a meal and opened God's word together. But that was just the beginning. As I type it is 10 minutes after 11:00 PM and the house is still full of soldiers.

The festivities have included a guitar hero fest, a wrestling competition, marshmallow hot potatoe (ask us later), and a crazy card game called Mao. These soldiers are very hungry for relationships, and the Hospitality House provides a great place for them to meet other soldiers and enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Please keep praying for us. Our team is seeming to be a bit weary tonight after two full work days and two late nights of ministry. Pray for perseverance. Pray that we would be encouragers to one another and to the ministry here at MCHH.

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