Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Middle School Graduation

Middle school celebrated with our graduates on Wednesday 6/17 as they move up to High School. They were challenged to depend on God for their wisdom and strength to be servants and Champions for Christ in their lives and as part of the High School Ignite team. Each of the students were commissioned for further service by their parents. The parents recounted how much their student had grown spiritually and in maturity over the last 3 years and then challenged them to be mature servant leaders as they moved forward. Cheri served banana splits to the 25 students and parents in attendance!

This video recaps the 2008-2009 year an highlights our graduates.


Marcia said...

Thank you, Haugens, for your impact on the Middle School students at New Life Church! The video is great, and it shows that there is a lot of love and fun and spiritual influence being imparted there. I appreciate you!

Anonymous said...

Mr. and Mrs. Haugen The life you pour into these kids is priceless. Thank you for ALL you do!
The Foullons