Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Senior's Bible Study

"Pastor Scott. You need to come. The Bible Study downstairs is full to over-flowing. They're rehearsing a song. And, they want to be on the blog!"

Of course, the last phrase got to me. I rushed downstairs and snapped this picture. To my everlasting enjoyment they were singing "Jesus Loves Me" to perform at the next SAM Luncheon. As I was taking the picture I felt like a proud dad at a school program!

Regularly over twenty seniors gather every Tuesday morning at 10:30 for Bible Study in the "map room" at the Riverfalls Campus. There are people there from all three campuses. They have the best time as George Nelson leads them to study God's word. Hardly a week goes by when someone doesn't tell me what a good job George is doing.

Some of you may just want to admit your age and come to the next potluck to hear the special music...I'll be there!

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