Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Robinwood Landscaping Plan

Last Tuesday several of us met to discuss what to do about landscaping around the parking lot at Robinwood. We decided the following:

  1. We would get a dusting of barkdust blown in by launch time. (But after pricing it and talking with Nathan we decided against it). Bob and Barbara Montgomery have done a great job getting the islands and bare spots looking clean and presentable.
  2. We will get bids on sprinklers as soon as possible. But they will not be ready by launch.
  3. In the islands we will take off a foot of dirt and bring in top soil.
  4. The two trees closest to the South entrance will come out before the landscaping begins in earnest.
  5. We will see if we can get some boulders to landscape with from various construction projects throughout town.
  6. We will put up signs at each entrance. These may not be up by launch depending on whether we will get the boulders.
  7. We are going to research other attractive parking lots to get an idea of vegetation.
  8. After all this, then we will develop a plan for what plants to plant where.

If you would like to be part of the process or if you have access to cheap (free) boulders, barkdust, or plants, please let us know and we'd love to have you be part of the action.

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