Monday, October 30, 2006

A Fun and Frightful Time at the Corn Maize

A week ago last Friday the NLC high school (a.k.a. Ignite Youth Ministries) and jr. high groups subjected themselves to being trapped, frustrated, and confused inside a maize of corn. Both groups departed about the same time in different vehicles to the same island but to separate corn maizes. Don't ask. Mud was a concern but not nearly as bad as expected, and apparently everyone successfully navigated the maize though some high schoolers got spooked in the process. Who knew that corn maizes were lurking with so many vile creatures (i.e. werewolves, red-eyed birds, etc.)? All in all it was a good time to nurture relationships, and there was nothing but positive feedback about the time of refreshment and sharing that the jr. highers had afterwards at the church. Thanks NLC for supporting youth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whoa. dustin scares me.