Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Takeaway from High School Parent Meeting

monitor internet useSex and Religion in the Lives of Teenagers was the topic discussed in our last parent meeting after church on Sunday, January 13, 2008 at NLC Riverfalls. We were livened to the rampant sexual activity of high school students--even those in the church!--by professor Ron Marrs from Western Seminary. A significant takeaway from this presentation is the imperative for parents to monitor their student's internet usage. Ron shared this quote from the book Forbidden Fruit ". . . for millions of young Americans, Internet pornography is their introduction to sexual information and expression" (p. 173).

Do you as a parent really want your student's view of sex shaped by porn stars? Parents and the church need to be a student's primary source for information about sex, and internet use must be monitored to protect them from pornography's gripping allure. A helpful tool that the NLC staff uses to hold each other accountable is X3 Watch. You can download the standard version for free and have reports of internet use on your student's computer sent bi-weekly or monthly to you by email. I pray that God protects our teens from doing irreparable damage to themselves and others, and may we take our role in helping protect them seriously!


Anonymous said...

If you are looking for another good program for accountability and/or filtering, I recommend Covenant Eyes. I work for them (so I'm a bit biased) but I know that the CE accountability reports are very thorough and the system is quite robust.

Thanks for joining the battle against sexual addiction and temptation!

Anonymous said...

For more information on the practical differences between X3watch and Covenant Eyes accountability programs go to: http://blogs.covenanteyes.com/2008/02/14/x3watch-and-covenant-eyes-what-are-key-the-differences/

I've compiled some testimonies that you may find interesting.

Luke Gilkerson
Internet Community Manager
Covenant Eyes